
Why Incorporating a SAF Purchase Option is a Smart Move for Travel Sustainability

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) can help organizations become more environmentally responsible in air travel. Learn how to find the right SAF partner.

In a time when the travel industry continues to focus more on sustainability efforts, travel buyers and the businesses they serve are exploring more rigorous ways to meet sustainability commitments and reduce their carbon footprints.

Instead of navigating these initiatives alone, those who manage travel can enlist their TMC to help evaluate their current goals for greener travel. The travel management company can assist by identifying clear objectives and providing actionable steps for the organization to take.

A common method often applied is carbon offsetting. Carbon credits invested in projects such as renewable energy, reforestation, wildlife protection/regeneration, and cookstove projects compensate for emissions made elsewhere. While carbon offsetting projects are one pivotal way to invest in sustainability, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is an additional solution that directly reduces the environmental impact of business travel.

Below we examine what a SAF purchase option is and how it’s paving the way toward a more responsible future in business travel.

How Does SAF Help?

According to the International Air Transport Association, global air passenger numbers are expected to double by 2040. This means that aviation emissions need to decrease dramatically, especially considering the industry’s current dependence on liquid jet fuel sourced from fossil fuels.

Now organizations can opt for Sustainable Aviation Fuel to directly reduce their flight emissions. SAF is a far greener alternative to fossil jet fuels because it is derived from renewable, sustainable sources. It has the potential to decrease emissions by up to 80% over its lifespan, and contribute to around 65% of the emission reductions required to reach net-zero.

Through Direct ATPI Halo, we have enabled our clients the opportunity to invest in Sustainable Aviation Fuel, thanks to a partnership with Neste, the world’s leading SAF provider. This partnership is an expansion of our measure-reduce-compensate services and allows our clients to develop more sustainable travel programs.

Finding the Right SAF Partner

When considering a SAF partnership, here are a sampling of questions to ask to determine if it’s the right fit for your organization:

What is their approach to sustainability?

A potential SAF partner should be able to back up their claim of being truly sustainable. This can include ensuring their fuel comes from 100% waste materials and from certified suppliers only.

What is their legacy?

In our case at Direct ATPI, our partner Neste is the world’s largest producer of SAF and their history goes back to 1948.

What is their QA policy?

When it comes to quality assurance, see to it that a partner’s standards meet your own expectations around due diligence.

How do they avoid greenwashing?

Purchasing SAF directly from the provider ensures there is no double-dipping of ownership, and clients can feel confident about claiming their emissions reduction.

The SAF Purchase Process

Once a partnership has been established, clients can advise what percentage or what volume they wish to decrease their company’s emissions by. Through Direct ATPI Halo, we work with Neste to assess the volume of SAF needed to meet our client’s request.

Once the metric ton equivalent has been established, the client is presented with the quote and can instruct us to purchase the SAF for them. Finally, the client receives a certificate of their SAF purchase which they can share as proof of their commitment to reducing their CO2 emissions.

The Journey Toward Sustainable Business Travel

The travel industry has made significant progress toward more responsible air travel, but there is more work to be done. Sustainable Aviation Fuel significantly enhances the versatility of carbon reduction solutions.

If you are eager to integrate a SAF purchase option into your travel program, contact our team to learn more and get started.

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