Top Business Travel Navigator Blog Posts of 2019

With the New Year fast approaching, we are reflecting on the most read Navigator blog posts of the year.

With the New Year fast approaching, we are reflecting on the most read Navigator blog posts of the year. In 2019 we covered important topics such as traveler experience, travel policy, duty of care, travel program performance as well as travel trends in specific industries. Here are a few topics that generated the most interest across the Navigator blog: measuring your travel program’s ROI, avoiding burnout by reducing traveler friction, the art of going global, next steps after receiving a crisis alert, and navigating the NDC transformation.

The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on what you have learned and set goals for 2020, so here are the most popular blog posts of 2019 to start you on your journey into the New Year:

Measuring Your Travel Program’s ROI

Measuring Your Travel Program’s ROI

Understanding the impact your travel program has on your company’s bottom line is central to your success. In this blog post, we discuss how travel managers, travel buyers, procurement, and finance can measure the effectiveness of your existing travel program and work toward improvement. When looking at the travel policy your company has in place, ensuring that it is effective and essential should be a high priority topic. Read More

Avoid Burnout by Reducing Traveler Friction in 4 Easy Steps

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Mitigating burnout was a major topic in the business world this year. With increasing pressures and demands, employees are experiencing burnout more than ever. Road warriors, while not on the same schedule as many other employees, should work with travel managers who understand the potential negative impact of frequent travel in order to avoid burnout. This blog post is important for program managers to ensure that their road warriors and less-frequent travelers alike are armed with strategies to reduce traveler friction and keep their head in the game. Read More

The Art of Going Global: 6 Steps to Take Before Consolidating

The Art of Going Global

Being a part of an organization experiencing international growth can be thrilling. As your company grows beyond national borders, creating a consolidated global travel program will become a necessary piece of the expansion. Before creating and launching your global travel policy, consider these six steps that will make the expansion seamless and effective. Read More

You received a crisis alert. Now what?

Blog- You received a crisis alert. Now what

Receiving a crisis alert can be a stressful experience. With a recent article finding a 74 percent increase in the number of alerts, understanding your next steps after receiving the alert is more important than ever. This blog post encourages travel managers to assess their risk management plan for strengths and areas of improvement to ensure that their employees can stay safe on the road. Read More

Navigating the NDC Transformation

Navigating the Industry Transformation

The International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) New Distribution Capability, otherwise known as NDC, has been a hot topic of conversation for the past few years. As we all make the shift to fully embrace NDC, this blog post will give you the knowledge and tools to prepare your travel program for the NDC evolution. Read More

With the New Year comes new opportunities to meet and exceed your goals. Having an effective travel program in place should be an essential element of your 2020 business plan. No matter what your goals are for the New Year, Direct Travel is here to support you. Connect with a DT expert to discuss turning your travel program goals into a reality. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and great start to the New Year!

Related Resources

Set your travel program up for success in 2025. Learn about rising costs and the latest business travel trends in technology, AI, sustainability, and NDC.
Revisit the most popular business travel topics of 2024. Use these key takeaways to prepare your corporate travel program for 2025.
Learn how Spotnana enables Direct Travel’s advisors to resolve issues and deliver exceptional service for business travelers through Avenir.

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