Join the Hotel Program Revolution

With a comprehensive suite of services to address the full cycle of hotel program management, TRIPBAM allows you to negotiate & source the best rates, optimize bookings, shift share to preferred hotels and make adjustments to maximize program value.

Negotiate & source the best rates

TRIPBAM’s rate shopping technology helps guarantee the best prices for your travelers, but that’s only the beginning. Use our robust analytics suite to monitor and audit your program performance and drive better hotel supplier agreements.

Benchmark & optimize your bookings

With TRIPBAM you can benchmark your existing hotel program against companies of similar size, compare chainwide, dynamic, and static discounts, and accurately measure and grade your overall hotel program performance on an A-F scale.

Improve accountability

Track your negotiated rate availability daily by hotel and get notified if the negotiated rate is not offered but the room type is available. Using this system, companies can improve rate availability from an industry average of 60% to over 85%.