TravelStack™ by Direct Travel > Direct Messaging

Direct Messaging

Communication to Drive Program Goals

The most significant savings often stem from changing traveler behavior. Direct Messaging is a proactive messaging tool that helps you connect with your travelers to promote company policy, increase awareness and ultimately drive savings.

Savings Chart

Drive Savings

Automated and customized messages in real time make communicating with travelers easy. Not only does it help travelers make the right decisions, but it also helps your travel program save money.

Direct Messaging

Notify Travelers

Before travelers hit the road or as they are traveling, Direct Messaging keeps travelers informed through airline check-in reminders, hotel information or critical travel alerts.

Maintain Peace of Mind

Maintain Peace of Mind

Equipping your travelers with the right communication tool during a crisis is critical. Meet your duty of care needs with technology that provides key contact information and messaging capabilities when your travelers need it most.