TravelStack™ by Direct Travel > Crisis24 Risk Management Platform

Crisis24 Risk Management Platform

Crisis24’s platform enables you to monitor threats and disruptive events worldwide, see which people and sites could be exposed, and engage in two-way communications to keep your people and organization safe.

Global Awareness of Threats with 24/7 Alerts:

View all safety, security, and travel related alerts in a single feed or utilize multiple filter options to keep the flow of information relevant. Alerts can also be layered on the global map, giving you a complete picture of threats impacting your people.

Identify Your People and Sites That May be Exposed

Quickly identify the potential impact of threats and disruptions to your personnel and sites. An intuitive data display provides a clear picture of your exposure globally.

Access Detailed Intelligence

Local and global crises can have a severe impact on your organization. Our solid intelligence and proper planning can help mitigate threats to your operations and people.